Sunday, October 14, 2018

LINUX commands | Taste of kali linux on Android Smartphone |Working on Terminal |

For very beginners first they should aware about some basic commands on terminal:-

Working with directories

1.pwd  - present working directory
This command will give you folder path in which you are now in.
If you are in Desktop folder then it will give you output  /root/Desktop

2 . ls  - List of directories and files
this command outputs list of all files and folder in present directory
for list in details  use.  #  ls -l

 3 . mkdir __(dirctory name )__  
To make new directory . If we type. #  mkdir akash   , then it will create a new folder in present directory with name akash.

4. rmdir __(directory name)__ 
To delete directory. If we type  # rmdir akash , then it will delete the folder name akash from present directory.

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